/** * This plugin can enable a cell to cell drag and drop operation within the same grid view. * * Note that the plugin must be added to the grid view, not to the grid panel. For example, using {@link Ext.panel.Table viewConfig}: * * viewConfig: { * plugins: { * ptype: 'celldragdrop', * * // Remove text from source cell and replace with value of emptyText. * applyEmptyText: true, * * //emptyText: Ext.String.htmlEncode('<<foo>>'), * * // Will only allow drops of the same type. * enforceType: true * } * } */ Ext.define('Ext.ux.CellDragDrop', { extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin', alias: 'plugin.celldragdrop', uses: ['Ext.view.DragZone'], /** * @cfg {Boolean} enforceType * Set to `true` to only allow drops of the same type. * * Defaults to `false`. */ enforceType: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} applyEmptyText * If `true`, then use the value of {@link #emptyText} to replace the drag record's value after a node drop. * Note that, if dropped on a cell of a different type, it will convert the default text according to its own conversion rules. * * Defaults to `false`. */ applyEmptyText: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} emptyText * If {@link #applyEmptyText} is `true`, then this value as the drag record's value after a node drop. * * Defaults to an empty string. */ emptyText: '', /** * @cfg {Boolean} dropBackgroundColor * The default background color for when a drop is allowed. * * Defaults to green. */ dropBackgroundColor: 'green', /** * @cfg {Boolean} noDropBackgroundColor * The default background color for when a drop is not allowed. * * Defaults to red. */ noDropBackgroundColor: 'red', //<locale> /** * @cfg {String} dragText * The text to show while dragging. * * Two placeholders can be used in the text: * * - `{0}` The number of selected items. * - `{1}` 's' when more than 1 items (only useful for English). */ dragText: '{0} selected row{1}', //</locale> /** * @cfg {String} ddGroup * A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then both the DragZones and * DropZone used by this plugin will only interact with other drag drop objects in the same group. */ ddGroup: "GridDD", /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableDrop * Set to `false` to disallow the View from accepting drop gestures. */ enableDrop: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableDrag * Set to `false` to disallow dragging items from the View. */ enableDrag: true, /** * @cfg {Object/Boolean} containerScroll * True to register this container with the Scrollmanager for auto scrolling during drag operations. * A {@link Ext.dd.ScrollManager} configuration may also be passed. */ containerScroll: false, init: function (view) { var me = this; view.on('render', me.onViewRender, me, { single: true }); }, destroy: function () { var me = this; Ext.destroy(me.dragZone, me.dropZone); }, enable: function () { var me = this; if (me.dragZone) { me.dragZone.unlock(); } if (me.dropZone) { me.dropZone.unlock(); } me.callParent(); }, disable: function () { var me = this; if (me.dragZone) { me.dragZone.lock(); } if (me.dropZone) { me.dropZone.lock(); } me.callParent(); }, onViewRender: function (view) { var me = this, scrollEl; if (me.enableDrag) { if (me.containerScroll) { scrollEl = view.getEl(); } me.dragZone = new Ext.view.DragZone({ view: view, ddGroup: me.dragGroup || me.ddGroup, dragText: me.dragText, containerScroll: me.containerScroll, scrollEl: scrollEl, getDragData: function (e) { var view = this.view, item = e.getTarget(view.getItemSelector()), record = view.getRecord(item), clickedEl = e.getTarget(view.getCellSelector()), dragEl; if (item) { dragEl = document.createElement('div'); dragEl.className = 'x-form-text'; dragEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(clickedEl.textContent || clickedEl.innerText)); return { event: new Ext.EventObjectImpl(e), ddel: dragEl, item: e.target, columnName: view.getGridColumns()[clickedEl.cellIndex].dataIndex, record: record }; } }, onInitDrag: function (x, y) { var self = this, data = self.dragData, view = self.view, selectionModel = view.getSelectionModel(), record = data.record, el = data.ddel; // Update the selection to match what would have been selected if the user had // done a full click on the target node rather than starting a drag from it. if (!selectionModel.isSelected(record)) { selectionModel.select(record, true); } self.ddel.update(el.textContent || el.innerText); self.proxy.update(self.ddel.dom); self.onStartDrag(x, y); return true; } }); } if (me.enableDrop) { me.dropZone = new Ext.dd.DropZone(view.el, { view: view, ddGroup: me.dropGroup || me.ddGroup, containerScroll: true, getTargetFromEvent: function (e) { var self = this, v = self.view, cell = e.getTarget(v.cellSelector), row, columnIndex; // Ascertain whether the mousemove is within a grid cell. if (cell) { row = v.findItemByChild(cell); columnIndex = cell.cellIndex; if (row && Ext.isDefined(columnIndex)) { return { node: cell, record: v.getRecord(row), columnName: self.view.up('grid').columns[columnIndex].dataIndex }; } } }, // On Node enter, see if it is valid for us to drop the field on that type of column. onNodeEnter: function (target, dd, e, dragData) { var self = this, destType = target.record.fields.get(target.columnName).type.type.toUpperCase(), sourceType = dragData.record.fields.get(dragData.columnName).type.type.toUpperCase(); delete self.dropOK; // Return if no target node or if over the same cell as the source of the drag. if (!target || target.node === dragData.item.parentNode) { return; } // Check whether the data type of the column being dropped on accepts the // dragged field type. If so, set dropOK flag, and highlight the target node. if (me.enforceType && destType !== sourceType) { self.dropOK = false; if (me.noDropCls) { Ext.fly(target.node).addCls(me.noDropCls); } else { Ext.fly(target.node).applyStyles({ backgroundColor: me.noDropBackgroundColor }); } return; } self.dropOK = true; if (me.dropCls) { Ext.fly(target.node).addCls(me.dropCls); } else { Ext.fly(target.node).applyStyles({ backgroundColor: me.dropBackgroundColor }); } }, // Return the class name to add to the drag proxy. This provides a visual indication // of drop allowed or not allowed. onNodeOver: function (target, dd, e, dragData) { return this.dropOK ? this.dropAllowed : this.dropNotAllowed; }, // Highlight the target node. onNodeOut: function (target, dd, e, dragData) { var cls = this.dropOK ? me.dropCls : me.noDropCls; if (cls) { Ext.fly(target.node).removeCls(cls); } else { Ext.fly(target.node).applyStyles({ backgroundColor: '' }); } }, // Process the drop event if we have previously ascertained that a drop is OK. onNodeDrop: function (target, dd, e, dragData) { if (this.dropOK) { target.record.set(target.columnName, dragData.record.get(dragData.columnName)); if (me.applyEmptyText) { dragData.record.set(dragData.columnName, me.emptyText); } return true; } }, onCellDrop: Ext.emptyFn }); } } });