/** * A feature is a type of plugin that is specific to the {@link Ext.grid.Panel}. It provides several * hooks that allows the developer to inject additional functionality at certain points throughout the * grid creation cycle. This class provides the base template methods that are available to the developer, * it should be extended. * * There are several built in features that extend this class, for example: * * - {@link Ext.grid.feature.Grouping} - Shows grid rows in groups as specified by the {@link Ext.data.Store} * - {@link Ext.grid.feature.RowBody} - Adds a body section for each grid row that can contain markup. * - {@link Ext.grid.feature.Summary} - Adds a summary row at the bottom of the grid with aggregate totals for a column. * * ## Using Features * A feature is added to the grid by specifying it an array of features in the configuration: * * var groupingFeature = Ext.create('Ext.grid.feature.Grouping'); * Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { * // other options * features: [groupingFeature] * }); * * ## Writing Features * * A Feature may add new DOM structure within the structure of a grid. * * A grid is essentially a `<table>` element. A {@link Ext.view.Table TableView} instance uses three {@link Ext.XTemplate XTemplates} * to render the grid, `tableTpl`, `rowTpl`, `cellTpl`. * * * A {@link Ext.view.Table TableView} uses its `tableTpl` to emit the `<table>` and `<tbody>` HTML tags into its output stream. It also emits a `<thead>` which contains a * sizing row. To ender the rows, it invokes {@link Ext.view.Table#renderRows} passing the `rows` member of its data object. * * The `tableTpl`'s data object Looks like this: * { * view: owningTableView, * rows: recordsToRender, * viewStartIndex: indexOfFirstRecordInStore, * tableStyle: styleString * } * * * A {@link Ext.view.Table TableView} uses its `rowTpl` to emit a `<tr>` HTML tag to its output stream. To render cells, * it invokes {@link Ext.view.Table#renderCell} passing the `rows` member of its data object. * * The `rowTpl`'s data object looks like this: * * { * view: owningTableView, * record: recordToRender, * recordIndex: indexOfRecordInStore, * columns: arrayOfColumnDefinitions, * itemClasses: arrayOfClassNames, // For outermost row in case of wrapping * rowClasses: arrayOfClassNames, // For internal data bearing row in case of wrapping * rowStyle: styleString * } * * * A {@link Ext.view.Table TableView} uses its `cellTpl` to emit a `<td>` HTML tag to its output stream. * * The `cellTpl's` data object looks like this: * * { * record: recordToRender * column: columnToRender; * recordIndex: indexOfRecordInStore, * columnIndex: columnIndex, * align: columnAlign, * tdCls: classForCell * } * * A Feature may inject its own tableTpl or rowTpl or cellTpl into the {@link Ext.view.Table TableView}'s rendering by * calling {@link Ext.view.Table#addTableTpl} or {@link Ext.view.Table#addRowTpl} or {@link Ext.view.Table#addCellTpl}. * * The passed XTemplate is added *upstream* of the default template for the table element in a link list of XTemplates which contribute * to the element's HTML. It may emit appropriate HTML strings into the output stream *around* a call to * * this.nextTpl.apply(values, out, parent); * * This passes the current value context, output stream and the parent value context to the next XTemplate in the list. * * @abstract */ Ext.define('Ext.grid.feature.Feature', { extend: 'Ext.util.Observable', alias: 'feature.feature', wrapsItem: false, /* * @property {Boolean} isFeature * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Feature, or subclass thereof. */ isFeature: true, /** * True when feature is disabled. */ disabled: false, /** * @property {Boolean} * Most features will expose additional events, some may not and will * need to change this to false. */ hasFeatureEvent: true, /** * @property {String} * Prefix to use when firing events on the view. * For example a prefix of group would expose "groupclick", "groupcontextmenu", "groupdblclick". */ eventPrefix: null, /** * @property {String} * Selector used to determine when to fire the event with the eventPrefix. */ eventSelector: null, /** * @property {Ext.view.Table} * Reference to the TableView. */ view: null, /** * @property {Ext.grid.Panel} * Reference to the grid panel */ grid: null, constructor: function(config) { this.initialConfig = config; this.callParent(arguments); }, clone: function() { return new this.self(this.initialConfig); }, init: Ext.emptyFn, destroy: function(){ this.clearListeners(); }, /** * Abstract method to be overriden when a feature should add additional * arguments to its event signature. By default the event will fire: * * - view - The underlying Ext.view.Table * - featureTarget - The matched element by the defined {@link #eventSelector} * * The method must also return the eventName as the first index of the array * to be passed to fireEvent. * @template */ getFireEventArgs: function(eventName, view, featureTarget, e) { return [eventName, view, featureTarget, e]; }, vetoEvent: Ext.emptyFn, /** * Enables the feature. */ enable: function() { this.disabled = false; }, /** * Disables the feature. */ disable: function() { this.disabled = true; } });