* A mixin which allows a component to be configured and decorated with a label and/or error message as is
* common for form fields. This is used by e.g. Ext.form.field.Base and Ext.form.FieldContainer
* to let them be managed by the Field layout.
* NOTE: This mixin is mainly for internal library use and most users should not need to use it directly. It
* is more likely you will want to use one of the component classes that import this mixin, such as
* Ext.form.field.Base or Ext.form.FieldContainer.
* Use of this mixin does not make a component a field in the logical sense, meaning it does not provide any
* logic or state related to values or validation; that is handled by the related Ext.form.field.Field
* mixin. These two mixins may be used separately (for example Ext.form.FieldContainer is Labelable but not a
* Field), or in combination (for example Ext.form.field.Base implements both and has logic for connecting the
* two.)
* Component classes which use this mixin should use the Field layout
* or a derivation thereof to properly size and position the label and message according to the component config.
* They must also call the {@link #initLabelable} method during component initialization to ensure the mixin gets
* set up correctly.
* @docauthor Jason Johnston <jason@sencha.com>
Ext.define("Ext.form.Labelable", {
requires: ['Ext.XTemplate'],
autoEl: {
tag: 'table',
cellpadding: 0
childEls: [
* @property {Ext.Element} labelCell
* The `<TD>` Element which contains the label Element for this component. Only available after the component has been rendered.
* @property {Ext.Element} labelEl
* The label Element for this component. Only available after the component has been rendered.
* @property {Ext.Element} bodyEl
* The div Element wrapping the component's contents. Only available after the component has been rendered.
// private - the TD which contains the msgTarget: 'side' error icon
* @property {Ext.Element} errorEl
* The div Element that will contain the component's error message(s). Note that depending on the configured
* {@link #msgTarget}, this element may be hidden in favor of some other form of presentation, but will always
* be present in the DOM for use by assistive technologies.
* @cfg {String/String[]/Ext.XTemplate} labelableRenderTpl
* The rendering template for the field decorations. Component classes using this mixin
* should include logic to use this as their {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#renderTpl renderTpl},
* and implement the {@link #getSubTplMarkup} method to generate the field body content.
* The structure of a field is a table as follows:
* If `labelAlign: 'left', `msgTarget: 'side'`
* +----------------------+----------------------+-------------+
* | Label: | InputField | sideErrorEl |
* +----------------------+----------------------+-------------+
* If `labelAlign: 'left', `msgTarget: 'under'`
* +----------------------+------------------------------------+
* | Label: | InputField (colspan=2) |
* | | underErrorEl |
* +----------------------+------------------------------------+
* If `labelAlign: 'top', `msgTarget: 'side'`
* +---------------------------------------------+-------------+
* | label | |
* | InputField | sideErrorEl |
* +---------------------------------------------+-------------+
* If `labelAlign: 'top', `msgTarget: 'under'`
* +-----------------------------------------------------------+
* | label |
* | InputField (colspan=2) |
* | underErrorEl |
* +-----------------------------------------------------------+
* The total columns always the same for fields with each setting of {@link #labelAlign} because when
* rendered into a {@link Ext.layout.container.Form} layout, just the `TR` of the table
* will be placed into the form's main `TABLE`, and the columns of all the siblings
* must match so that they all line up. In a {@link Ext.layout.container.Form} layout, different
* settings of {@link #labelAlign} are not supported because of the incompatible column structure.
* When the triggerCell or side error cell are hidden or shown, the input cell's colspan
* is recalculated to maintain the correct 3 visible column count.
* @private
labelableRenderTpl: [
// body row. If a heighted Field (eg TextArea, HtmlEditor, this must greedily consume height.
'<tr role="presentation" id="{id}-inputRow" <tpl if="inFormLayout">id="{id}"</tpl> class="{inputRowCls}">',
// Label cell
'<tpl if="labelOnLeft">',
'<td role="presentation" id="{id}-labelCell" style="{labelCellStyle}" {labelCellAttrs}>',
'<label id="{id}-labelEl" {labelAttrTpl}<tpl if="inputId"> for="{inputId}"</tpl> class="{labelCls}"',
'<tpl if="labelStyle"> style="{labelStyle}"</tpl>',
// Required for Opera
' unselectable="on"',
'<tpl if="fieldLabel">{fieldLabel}{labelSeparator}</tpl>',
// Body of the input. That will be an input element, or, from a TriggerField, a table containing an input cell and trigger cell(s)
'<td role="presentation" class="{baseBodyCls} {fieldBodyCls} {extraFieldBodyCls}" id="{id}-bodyEl" colspan="{bodyColspan}" role="presentation">',
// Label just sits on top of the input field if labelAlign === 'top'
'<tpl if="labelAlign==\'top\'">',
'<div role="presentation" id="{id}-labelCell" style="{labelCellStyle}">',
'<label id="{id}-labelEl" {labelAttrTpl}<tpl if="inputId"> for="{inputId}"</tpl> class="{labelCls}"',
'<tpl if="labelStyle"> style="{labelStyle}"</tpl>',
// Required for Opera
' unselectable="on"',
'<tpl if="fieldLabel">{fieldLabel}{labelSeparator}</tpl>',
// Final TD. It's a side error element unless there's a floating external one
'<tpl if="msgTarget===\'side\'">',
'<td role="presentation" id="{id}-sideErrorCell" vAlign="{[values.labelAlign===\'top\' && !values.hideLabel ? \'bottom\' : \'middle\']}" style="{[values.autoFitErrors ? \'display:none\' : \'\']}" width="{errorIconWidth}">',
'<div role="presentation" id="{id}-errorEl" class="{errorMsgCls}" style="display:none"></div>',
'<tpl elseif="msgTarget==\'under\'">',
'<div role="presentation" id="{id}-errorEl" class="{errorMsgClass}" colspan="2" style="display:none"></div>',
disableFormats: true
* @cfg {String/String[]/Ext.XTemplate} activeErrorsTpl
* The template used to format the Array of error messages passed to {@link #setActiveErrors} into a single HTML
* string. if the {@link #msgTarget} is title, it defaults to a list separated by new lines. Otherwise, it
* renders each message as an item in an unordered list.
activeErrorsTpl: undefined,
htmlActiveErrorsTpl: [
'<tpl if="errors && errors.length">',
'<ul class="{listCls}"><tpl for="errors"><li role="alert">{.}</li></tpl></ul>',
plaintextActiveErrorsTpl: [
'<tpl if="errors && errors.length">',
'<tpl for="errors"><tpl if="xindex > 1">\n</tpl>{.}</tpl>',
* @property {Boolean} isFieldLabelable
* Flag denoting that this object is labelable as a field. Always true.
isFieldLabelable: true,
* @cfg {String} formItemCls
* A CSS class to be applied to the outermost element to denote that it is participating in the form field layout.
formItemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-item',
* @cfg {String} labelCls
* The CSS class to be applied to the label element. This (single) CSS class is used to formulate the renderSelector
* and drives the field layout where it is concatenated with a hyphen ('-') and {@link #labelAlign}. To add
* additional classes, use {@link #labelClsExtra}.
labelCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-item-label',
* @cfg {String} labelClsExtra
* An optional string of one or more additional CSS classes to add to the label element. Defaults to empty.
* @cfg {String} errorMsgCls
* The CSS class to be applied to the error message element.
errorMsgCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-error-msg',
* @cfg {String} baseBodyCls
* The CSS class to be applied to the body content element.
baseBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-item-body',
// private
inputRowCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-item-input-row',
* @cfg {String} fieldBodyCls
* An extra CSS class to be applied to the body content element in addition to {@link #baseBodyCls}.
fieldBodyCls: '',
* @cfg {String} clearCls
* The CSS class to be applied to the special clearing div rendered directly after the field contents wrapper to
* provide field clearing.
clearCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'clear',
* @cfg {String} invalidCls
* The CSS class to use when marking the component invalid.
invalidCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-invalid',
* @cfg {String} fieldLabel
* The label for the field. It gets appended with the {@link #labelSeparator}, and its position and sizing is
* determined by the {@link #labelAlign}, {@link #labelWidth}, and {@link #labelPad} configs.
fieldLabel: undefined,
* @cfg {String} labelAlign
* Controls the position and alignment of the {@link #fieldLabel}. Valid values are:
* - "left" (the default) - The label is positioned to the left of the field, with its text aligned to the left.
* Its width is determined by the {@link #labelWidth} config.
* - "top" - The label is positioned above the field.
* - "right" - The label is positioned to the left of the field, with its text aligned to the right.
* Its width is determined by the {@link #labelWidth} config.
labelAlign : 'left',
* @cfg {Number} labelWidth
* The width of the {@link #fieldLabel} in pixels. Only applicable if the {@link #labelAlign} is set to "left" or
* "right".
labelWidth: 100,
* @cfg {Number} labelPad
* The amount of space in pixels between the {@link #fieldLabel} and the input field.
labelPad : 5,
* @cfg {String} labelSeparator
* Character(s) to be inserted at the end of the {@link #fieldLabel label text}.
* Set to empty string to hide the separator completely.
labelSeparator : ':',
* @cfg {String} labelStyle
* A CSS style specification string to apply directly to this field's label.
* @cfg {Boolean} hideLabel
* Set to true to completely hide the label element ({@link #fieldLabel} and {@link #labelSeparator}). Also see
* {@link #hideEmptyLabel}, which controls whether space will be reserved for an empty fieldLabel.
hideLabel: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} hideEmptyLabel
* When set to true, the label element ({@link #fieldLabel} and {@link #labelSeparator}) will be automatically
* hidden if the {@link #fieldLabel} is empty. Setting this to false will cause the empty label element to be
* rendered and space to be reserved for it; this is useful if you want a field without a label to line up with
* other labeled fields in the same form.
* If you wish to unconditionall hide the label even if a non-empty fieldLabel is configured, then set the
* {@link #hideLabel} config to true.
hideEmptyLabel: true,
* @cfg {Boolean} preventMark
* true to disable displaying any {@link #setActiveError error message} set on this object.
preventMark: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} autoFitErrors
* Whether to adjust the component's body area to make room for 'side' or 'under' {@link #msgTarget error messages}.
autoFitErrors: true,
* @cfg {String} msgTarget
* The location where the error message text should display. Must be one of the following values:
* - `qtip` Display a quick tip containing the message when the user hovers over the field.
* This is the default.
* **{@link Ext.tip.QuickTipManager#init} must have been called for this setting to work.**
* - `title` Display the message in a default browser title attribute popup.
* - `under` Add a block div beneath the field containing the error message.
* - `side` Add an error icon to the right of the field, displaying the message in a popup on hover.
* - `none` Don't display any error message. This might be useful if you are implementing custom error display.
* - `[element id]` Add the error message directly to the innerHTML of the specified element.
msgTarget: 'qtip',
* @cfg {String} activeError
* If specified, then the component will be displayed with this value as its active error when first rendered. Use
* {@link #setActiveError} or {@link #unsetActiveError} to change it after component creation.
* @private
* Tells the layout system that the height can be measured immediately because the width does not need setting.
noWrap: true,
labelableInsertions: [
* @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} beforeBodyEl
* An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup
* at the beginning of the input containing element. If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#renderData render data}
* serves as the context.
* @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} afterBodyEl
* An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup
* at the end of the input containing element. If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#renderData render data}
* serves as the context.
* @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} beforeLabelTpl
* An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup
* before the label element. If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#renderData render data}
* serves as the context.
* @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} afterLabelTpl
* An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup
* after the label element. If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#renderData render data}
* serves as the context.
* @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} beforeSubTpl
* An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup
* before the {@link #getSubTplMarkup subTpl markup}. If an `XTemplate` is used, the
* component's {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#renderData render data} serves as the context.
* @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} afterSubTpl
* An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup
* after the {@link #getSubTplMarkup subTpl markup}. If an `XTemplate` is used, the
* component's {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#renderData render data} serves as the context.
* @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} beforeLabelTextTpl
* An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup
* before the label text. If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#renderData render data}
* serves as the context.
* @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} afterLabelTextTpl
* An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup
* after the label text. If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#renderData render data}
* serves as the context.
* @cfg {String/Array/Ext.XTemplate} labelAttrTpl
* An optional string or `XTemplate` configuration to insert in the field markup
* inside the label element (as attributes). If an `XTemplate` is used, the component's
* {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#renderData render data} serves as the context.
// This is an array to avoid a split on every call to Ext.copyTo
labelableRenderProps: ['allowBlank', 'id', 'labelAlign', 'fieldBodyCls', 'extraFieldBodyCls',
'baseBodyCls', 'clearCls', 'labelSeparator', 'msgTarget', 'inputRowCls'],
* Performs initialization of this mixin. Component classes using this mixin should call this method during their
* own initialization.
initLabelable: function() {
var me = this,
padding = me.padding;
// This Component is rendered as a table. Padding doesn't work on tables
// Before padding can be applied to the encapsulating table element, copy the padding into
// an extraMargins property which is to be added to all computed margins post render :(
if (padding) {
me.padding = undefined;
me.extraMargins = Ext.Element.parseBox(padding);
if (!me.activeErrorsTpl) {
if (me.msgTarget == 'title') {
me.activeErrorsTpl = me.plaintextActiveErrorsTpl;
} else {
me.activeErrorsTpl = me.htmlActiveErrorsTpl;
// Prevent first render of active error, at Field render time from signalling a change from undefined to "
me.lastActiveError = '';
* @event errorchange
* Fires when the active error message is changed via {@link #setActiveError}.
* @param {Ext.form.Labelable} this
* @param {String} error The active error message
// bubbleEvents on the prototype of a mixin won't work, so call enableBubble
* Returns the trimmed label by slicing off the label separator character. Can be overridden.
* @return {String} The trimmed field label, or empty string if not defined
trimLabelSeparator: function() {
var me = this,
separator = me.labelSeparator,
label = me.fieldLabel || '',
lastChar = label.substr(label.length - 1);
// if the last char is the same as the label separator then slice it off otherwise just return label value
return lastChar === separator ? label.slice(0, -1) : label;
* Returns the label for the field. Defaults to simply returning the {@link #fieldLabel} config. Can be overridden
* to provide a custom generated label.
* @template
* @return {String} The configured field label, or empty string if not defined
getFieldLabel: function() {
return this.trimLabelSeparator();
* Set the label of this field.
* @param {String} label The new label. The {@link #labelSeparator} will be automatically appended to the label
* string.
setFieldLabel: function(label){
label = label || '';
var me = this,
separator = me.labelSeparator,
labelEl = me.labelEl;
me.fieldLabel = label;
if (me.rendered) {
if (Ext.isEmpty(label) && me.hideEmptyLabel) {
} else {
if (separator) {
label = me.trimLabelSeparator() + separator;
getInsertionRenderData: function (data, names) {
var i = names.length,
name, value;
while (i--) {
name = names[i];
value = this[name];
if (value) {
if (typeof value != 'string') {
if (!value.isTemplate) {
value = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, name);
value = value.apply(data);
data[name] = value || '';
return data;
* Generates the arguments for the field decorations {@link #labelableRenderTpl rendering template}.
* @return {Object} The template arguments
* @protected
getLabelableRenderData: function() {
var me = this,
topLabel = me.labelAlign === 'top';
if (!Ext.form.Labelable.errorIconWidth) {
tempEl = Ext.getBody().createChild({style: 'position:absolute', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-invalid-icon'});
Ext.form.Labelable.errorIconWidth = tempEl.getWidth() + tempEl.getMargin('l');
data = Ext.copyTo({
inFormLayout : me.ownerLayout && me.ownerLayout.type === 'form',
inputId : me.getInputId(),
labelOnLeft : !topLabel,
hideLabel : !me.hasVisibleLabel(),
fieldLabel : me.getFieldLabel(),
labelCellStyle : me.getLabelCellStyle(),
labelCellAttrs : me.getLabelCellAttrs(),
labelCls : me.getLabelCls(),
labelStyle : me.getLabelStyle(),
bodyColspan : me.getBodyColspan(),
externalError : !me.autoFitErrors,
errorMsgCls : me.getErrorMsgCls(),
errorIconWidth : Ext.form.Labelable.errorIconWidth
me, me.labelableRenderProps, true);
me.getInsertionRenderData(data, me.labelableInsertions);
return data;
xhooks: {
beforeRender: function() {
var me = this;
if (me.ownerLayout) {
me.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + me.ownerLayout.type + '-form-item');
onRender: function() {
var me = this,
style = {};
if (me.extraMargins) {
margins = me.el.getMargin();
for (side in margins) {
if (margins.hasOwnProperty(side)) {
style['margin-' + side] = (margins[side] + me.extraMargins[side]) + 'px';
* Checks if the field has a visible label
* @return {Boolean} True if the field has a visible label
hasVisibleLabel: function(){
if (this.hideLabel) {
return false;
return !(this.hideEmptyLabel && !this.getFieldLabel());
* Gets the width of the label (if visible)
* @return {Number} The label width
getLabelWidth: function(){
var me = this;
if (!me.hasVisibleLabel()) {
return 0;
return me.labelWidth + me.labelPad;
* @private
* Calculates the colspan value for the body cell - the cell which contains the input field.
* The field table structure contains 4 columns:
getBodyColspan: function() {
var me = this,
if (me.msgTarget === 'side' && (!me.autoFitErrors || me.hasActiveError())) {
result = 1;
} else {
result = 2;
if (me.labelAlign !== 'top' && !me.hasVisibleLabel()) {
return result;
getLabelCls: function() {
var labelCls = this.labelCls + ' ' + Ext.dom.Element.unselectableCls,
labelClsExtra = this.labelClsExtra;
return labelClsExtra ? labelCls + ' ' + labelClsExtra : labelCls;
getLabelCellStyle: function() {
var me = this,
hideLabelCell = me.hideLabel || (!me.getFieldLabel() && me.hideEmptyLabel);
return hideLabelCell ? 'display:none;' : '';
getErrorMsgCls: function() {
var me = this,
hideLabelCell = (me.hideLabel || (!me.fieldLabel && me.hideEmptyLabel));
return me.errorMsgCls + (!hideLabelCell && me.labelAlign === 'top' ? ' ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'lbl-top-err-icon' : '');
getLabelCellAttrs: function() {
var me = this,
labelAlign = me.labelAlign,
result = '';
if (labelAlign !== 'top') {
result = 'valign="top" halign="' + labelAlign + '" width="' + (me.labelWidth + me.labelPad) + '"';
return result + ' class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'field-label-cell"';
* Gets any label styling for the labelEl
* @private
* @return {String} The label styling
getLabelStyle: function(){
var me = this,
labelPad = me.labelPad,
labelStyle = '';
// Calculate label styles up front rather than in the Field layout for speed; this
// is safe because label alignment/width/pad are not expected to change.
if (me.labelAlign !== 'top') {
if (me.labelWidth) {
labelStyle = 'width:' + me.labelWidth + 'px;';
if (labelPad) {
labelStyle += 'margin-right:' + labelPad + 'px;';
return labelStyle + (me.labelStyle || '');
* Gets the markup to be inserted into the outer template's bodyEl. Defaults to empty string, should be implemented
* by classes including this mixin as needed.
* @return {String} The markup to be inserted
* @protected
getSubTplMarkup: function() {
return '';
* Get the input id, if any, for this component. This is used as the "for" attribute on the label element.
* Implementing subclasses may also use this as e.g. the id for their own input element.
* @return {String} The input id
getInputId: function() {
return '';
* Gets the active error message for this component, if any. This does not trigger validation on its own, it merely
* returns any message that the component may already hold.
* @return {String} The active error message on the component; if there is no error, an empty string is returned.
getActiveError : function() {
return this.activeError || '';
* Tells whether the field currently has an active error message. This does not trigger validation on its own, it
* merely looks for any message that the component may already hold.
* @return {Boolean}
hasActiveError: function() {
return !!this.getActiveError();
* Sets the active error message to the given string. This replaces the entire error message contents with the given
* string. Also see {@link #setActiveErrors} which accepts an Array of messages and formats them according to the
* {@link #activeErrorsTpl}. Note that this only updates the error message element's text and attributes, you'll
* have to call doComponentLayout to actually update the field's layout to match. If the field extends {@link
* Ext.form.field.Base} you should call {@link Ext.form.field.Base#markInvalid markInvalid} instead.
* @param {String} msg The error message
setActiveError: function(msg) {
* Gets an Array of any active error messages currently applied to the field. This does not trigger validation on
* its own, it merely returns any messages that the component may already hold.
* @return {String[]} The active error messages on the component; if there are no errors, an empty Array is
* returned.
getActiveErrors: function() {
return this.activeErrors || [];
* Set the active error message to an Array of error messages. The messages are formatted into a single message
* string using the {@link #activeErrorsTpl}. Also see {@link #setActiveError} which allows setting the entire error
* contents with a single string. Note that this only updates the error message element's text and attributes,
* you'll have to call doComponentLayout to actually update the field's layout to match. If the field extends
* {@link Ext.form.field.Base} you should call {@link Ext.form.field.Base#markInvalid markInvalid} instead.
* @param {String[]} errors The error messages
setActiveErrors: function(errors) {
errors = Ext.Array.from(errors);
this.activeError = errors[0];
this.activeErrors = errors;
this.activeError = this.getTpl('activeErrorsTpl').apply({
errors: errors,
listCls: Ext.plainListCls
* Clears the active error message(s). Note that this only clears the error message element's text and attributes,
* you'll have to call doComponentLayout to actually update the field's layout to match. If the field extends {@link
* Ext.form.field.Base} you should call {@link Ext.form.field.Base#clearInvalid clearInvalid} instead.
unsetActiveError: function() {
delete this.activeError;
delete this.activeErrors;
* @private
* Updates the rendered DOM to match the current activeError. This only updates the content and
* attributes, you'll have to call doComponentLayout to actually update the display.
renderActiveError: function() {
var me = this,
activeError = me.getActiveError(),
hasError = !!activeError;
if (activeError !== me.lastActiveError) {
me.fireEvent('errorchange', me, activeError);
me.lastActiveError = activeError;
if (me.rendered && !me.isDestroyed && !me.preventMark) {
// Add/remove invalid class
me.el[hasError ? 'addCls' : 'removeCls'](me.invalidCls);
// Update the aria-invalid attribute
me.getActionEl().dom.setAttribute('aria-invalid', hasError);
// Update the errorEl (There will only be one if msgTarget is 'side' or 'under') with the error message text
if (me.errorEl) {
me.errorEl.dom.innerHTML = activeError;
* Applies a set of default configuration values to this Labelable instance. For each of the properties in the given
* object, check if this component hasOwnProperty that config; if not then it's inheriting a default value from its
* prototype and we should apply the default value.
* @param {Object} defaults The defaults to apply to the object.
setFieldDefaults: function(defaults) {
var key;
for (key in defaults) {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
this[key] = defaults[key];