 * This class is used as a set of methods that are applied to the prototype of a
 * Model to decorate it with a Node API. This means that models used in conjunction with a tree
 * will have all of the tree related methods available on the model. In general this class will
 * not be used directly by the developer. This class also creates extra fields on the model if
 * they do not exist, to help maintain the tree state and UI. These fields are documented as
 * config options.
Ext.define('Ext.data.NodeInterface', {
    requires: [

     * @cfg {String} parentId
     * ID of parent node.

     * @cfg {Number} index
     * The position of the node inside its parent. When parent has 4 children and the node is third amongst them,
     * index will be 2.

     * @cfg {Number} depth
     * The number of parents this node has. A root node has depth 0, a child of it depth 1, and so on...

     * @cfg {Boolean} [expanded=false]
     * True if the node is expanded.

     * @cfg {Boolean} [expandable=false]
     * Set to true to allow for expanding/collapsing of this node.

     * @cfg {Boolean} [checked=null]
     * Set to true or false to show a checkbox alongside this node.

     * @cfg {Boolean} [leaf=false]
     * Set to true to indicate that this child can have no children. The expand icon/arrow will then not be
     * rendered for this node.

     * @cfg {String} cls
     * CSS class to apply for this node.

     * @cfg {String} iconCls
     * CSS class to apply for this node's icon.

     * @cfg {String} icon
     * URL for this node's icon.

     * @cfg {Boolean} root
     * True if this is the root node.

     * @cfg {Boolean} isLast
     * True if this is the last node.

     * @cfg {Boolean} isFirst
     * True if this is the first node.

     * @cfg {Boolean} [allowDrop=true]
     * Set to false to deny dropping on this node.

     * @cfg {Boolean} [allowDrag=true]
     * Set to false to deny dragging of this node.

     * @cfg {Boolean} [loaded=false]
     * True if the node has finished loading.

     * @cfg {Boolean} [loading=false]
     * True if the node is currently loading.

     * @cfg {String} href
     * An URL for a link that's created when this config is specified.

     * @cfg {String} hrefTarget
     * Target for link. Only applicable when {@link #href} also specified.

     * @cfg {String} qtip
     * Tooltip text to show on this node.

     * @cfg {String} qtitle
     * Tooltip title.

     * @cfg {Number} qshowDelay
     * Tooltip showDelay.

     * @cfg {String} text
     * The text to show on node label.

     * @cfg {Ext.data.NodeInterface[]} children
     * Array of child nodes.

     * @property {Ext.data.NodeInterface} nextSibling
     * A reference to this node's next sibling node. `null` if this node does not have a next sibling.

     * @property {Ext.data.NodeInterface} previousSibling
     * A reference to this node's previous sibling node. `null` if this node does not have a previous sibling.

     * @property {Ext.data.NodeInterface} parentNode
     * A reference to this node's parent node. `null` if this node is the root node.

     * @property {Ext.data.NodeInterface} lastChild
     * A reference to this node's last child node. `null` if this node has no children.

     * @property {Ext.data.NodeInterface} firstChild
     * A reference to this node's first child node. `null` if this node has no children.

     * @property {Ext.data.NodeInterface[]} childNodes
     * An array of this nodes children.  Array will be empty if this node has no chidren.

    statics: {
         * This method allows you to decorate a Model's class to implement the NodeInterface.
         * This adds a set of methods, new events, new properties and new fields on every Record.
         * @param {Ext.Class/Ext.data.Model} modelClass The Model class or an instance of the Model class you want to
         * decorate the prototype of.
         * @static
        decorate: function(modelClass) {
            var idName, idField, idType;
            // get the reference to the model class, in case the argument was a string or a record
            if (typeof modelClass == 'string') {
                modelClass = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(modelClass);
            } else if (modelClass.isModel) {
                modelClass = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(modelClass.modelName);
            // avoid unnecessary work in case the model was already decorated
            if (modelClass.prototype.isNode) {

            idName  = modelClass.prototype.idProperty;
            idField = modelClass.prototype.fields.get(idName);
            idType  = modelClass.prototype.fields.get(idName).type.type;

            this.applyFields(modelClass, [
                { name : 'parentId',   type : idType,    defaultValue : null,  useNull : idField.useNull },
                { name : 'index',      type : 'int',     defaultValue : 0,     persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'depth',      type : 'int',     defaultValue : 0,     persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'expanded',   type : 'bool',    defaultValue : false, persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'expandable', type : 'bool',    defaultValue : true,  persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'checked',    type : 'auto',    defaultValue : null,  persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'leaf',       type : 'bool',    defaultValue : false                            },
                { name : 'cls',        type : 'string',  defaultValue : '',    persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'iconCls',    type : 'string',  defaultValue : '',    persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'icon',       type : 'string',  defaultValue : '',    persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'root',       type : 'boolean', defaultValue : false, persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'isLast',     type : 'boolean', defaultValue : false, persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'isFirst',    type : 'boolean', defaultValue : false, persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'allowDrop',  type : 'boolean', defaultValue : true,  persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'allowDrag',  type : 'boolean', defaultValue : true,  persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'loaded',     type : 'boolean', defaultValue : false, persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'loading',    type : 'boolean', defaultValue : false, persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'href',       type : 'string',  defaultValue : '',    persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'hrefTarget', type : 'string',  defaultValue : '',    persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'qtip',       type : 'string',  defaultValue : '',    persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'qtitle',     type : 'string',  defaultValue : '',    persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'qshowDelay', type : 'int',     defaultValue : 0,     persist : false          , convert: null },
                { name : 'children',   type : 'auto',    defaultValue : null,  persist : false          , convert: null }
        applyFields: function(modelClass, addFields) {
            var modelPrototype = modelClass.prototype,
                fields = modelPrototype.fields,
                keys = fields.keys,
                ln = addFields.length,
                addField, i;

            for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
                addField = addFields[i];
                if (!Ext.Array.contains(keys, addField.name)) {
                    fields.add(new Ext.data.Field(addField));


        getPrototypeBody: function() {
            var bubbledEvents = {
                idchanged     : true,
                append        : true,
                remove        : true,
                move          : true,
                insert        : true,
                beforeappend  : true,
                beforeremove  : true,
                beforemove    : true,
                beforeinsert  : true,
                expand        : true,
                collapse      : true,
                beforeexpand  : true,
                beforecollapse: true,
                sort          : true,
                rootchange    : true
            return {
                 * @property {Boolean} isNode
                 * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Node, or subclass thereof.
                isNode: true,
                constructor: function() {
                    var me = this;
                    me.firstChild = me.lastChild = me.parentNode = me.previousSibling = me.nextSibling = null;
                    me.childNodes = [];

                    // These events are fired on this node, and programatically bubble up the parentNode axis, ending up 
                    // walking off the top and firing on the owning Ext.data.Tree structure, and its owning Ext.data.TreeStore
                     * @event append
                     * Fires when a new child node is appended
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this This node
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node The newly appended node
                     * @param {Number} index The index of the newly appended node
                     * @event remove
                     * Fires when a child node is removed
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this This node
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node The removed node
                     * @param {Boolean} isMove `true` if the child node is being removed so it can be moved to another position in the tree.
                     * (a side effect of calling {@link Ext.data.NodeInterface#appendChild appendChild} or
                     * {@link Ext.data.NodeInterface#insertBefore insertBefore} with a node that already has a parentNode)
                     * @event move
                     * Fires when this node is moved to a new location in the tree
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this This node
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} oldParent The old parent of this node
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} newParent The new parent of this node
                     * @param {Number} index The index it was moved to
                     * @event insert
                     * Fires when a new child node is inserted.
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this This node
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node The child node inserted
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} refNode The child node the node was inserted before
                     * @event beforeappend
                     * Fires before a new child is appended, return false to cancel the append.
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this This node
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node The child node to be appended
                     * @event beforeremove
                     * Fires before a child is removed, return false to cancel the remove.
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this This node
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node The child node to be removed
                     * @param {Boolean} isMove `true` if the child node is being removed so it can be moved to another position in the tree.
                     * (a side effect of calling {@link Ext.data.NodeInterface#appendChild appendChild} or
                     * {@link Ext.data.NodeInterface#insertBefore insertBefore} with a node that already has a parentNode)
                     * @event beforemove
                     * Fires before this node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move.
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this This node
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} oldParent The parent of this node
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} newParent The new parent this node is moving to
                     * @param {Number} index The index it is being moved to
                     * @event beforeinsert
                     * Fires before a new child is inserted, return false to cancel the insert.
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this This node
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node The child node to be inserted
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} refNode The child node the node is being inserted before
                     * @event expand
                     * Fires when this node is expanded.
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this The expanding node
                     * @event collapse
                     * Fires when this node is collapsed.
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this The collapsing node
                     * @event beforeexpand
                     * Fires before this node is expanded.
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this The expanding node
                     * @event beforecollapse
                     * Fires before this node is collapsed.
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this The collapsing node
                     * @event sort
                     * Fires when this node's childNodes are sorted.
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this This node.
                     * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface[]} childNodes The childNodes of this node.
                    return me;
                 * Ensures that the passed object is an instance of a Record with the NodeInterface applied
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface}
                createNode: function(node) {
                    if (!node.isModel) {
                        node = Ext.ModelManager.create(node, this.modelName);
                    // The node may already decorated, but may not have been
                    // so when the model constructor was called. If not,
                    // setup defaults here
                    if (!node.childNodes) {
                        node.firstChild = node.lastChild = node.parentNode = node.previousSibling = node.nextSibling = null;
                        node.childNodes = [];
                    return node;

                 * Returns true if this node is a leaf
                 * @return {Boolean}
                isLeaf : function() {
                    return this.get('leaf') === true;

                 * Sets the first child of this node
                 * @private
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node
                setFirstChild : function(node) {
                    this.firstChild = node;

                 * Sets the last child of this node
                 * @private
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node
                setLastChild : function(node) {
                    this.lastChild = node;

                 * Updates general data of this node like isFirst, isLast, depth. This
                 * method is internally called after a node is moved. This shouldn't
                 * have to be called by the developer unless they are creating custom
                 * Tree plugins.
                 * @param {Boolean} commit
                 * @param {Object} info The info to update. May contain any of the following
                 *  @param {Object} info.isFirst
                 *  @param {Object} info.isLast
                 *  @param {Object} info.index
                 *  @param {Object} info.depth
                 *  @param {Object} info.parentId
                updateInfo: function(commit, info) {
                    var me = this,
                        oldDepth = me.data.depth,
                        childInfo = {},
                        children = me.childNodes,
                        childCount = children.length,
                        phantom = me.phantom,
                        dataObject = me[me.persistenceProperty],
                        propName, newValue,
                    if (!info) {
                        Ext.Error.raise('NodeInterface expects update info to be passed');

                    // Set the passed field values into the data object.
                    // We do NOT need the expense of Model.set. We just need to ensure
                    // that the dirty flag is set.
                    for (propName in info) {
                        field = me.fields.get(propName);
                        newValue = info[propName];
                        // Only flag dirty when persistent fields are modified
                        if (field && field.persist) {
                            me.dirty = me.dirty || !me.isEqual(dataObject[propName], newValue);
                        dataObject[propName] = newValue;
                    if (commit) {
                        me.phantom = phantom;

                    // The only way child data can be influenced is if this node has changed level in this update.
                    if (me.data.depth !== oldDepth) {
                        childInfo = {
                            depth: me.data.depth + 1
                        for (i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
                            children[i].updateInfo(commit, childInfo);

                 * Returns true if this node is the last child of its parent
                 * @return {Boolean}
                isLast : function() {
                   return this.get('isLast');

                 * Returns true if this node is the first child of its parent
                 * @return {Boolean}
                isFirst : function() {
                   return this.get('isFirst');

                 * Returns true if this node has one or more child nodes, else false.
                 * @return {Boolean}
                hasChildNodes : function() {
                    return !this.isLeaf() && this.childNodes.length > 0;

                 * Returns true if this node has one or more child nodes, or if the <tt>expandable</tt>
                 * node attribute is explicitly specified as true, otherwise returns false.
                 * @return {Boolean}
                isExpandable : function() {
                    var me = this;

                    if (me.get('expandable')) {
                        return !(me.isLeaf() || (me.isLoaded() && !me.hasChildNodes()));
                    return false;
                triggerUIUpdate: function() {
                    // This isn't ideal, however none of the underlying fields have changed
                    // but we still need to update the UI

                 * Inserts node(s) as the last child node of this node.
                 * If the node was previously a child node of another parent node, it will be removed from that node first.
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface/Ext.data.NodeInterface[]/Object} node The node or Array of nodes to append
                 * @param {Boolean} [suppressEvents=false] True to suppress firering of events.
                 * @param {Boolean} [commit=false]
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface} The appended node if single append, or null if an array was passed
                appendChild : function(node, suppressEvents, commit) {
                    var me = this,
                        i, ln,
                        childInfo = {
                            isLast: true,
                            parentId: me.getId(),
                            depth: (me.data.depth||0) + 1

                    // if passed an array do them one by one
                    if (Ext.isArray(node)) {
                        // suspend auto syncing while we append all the nodes
                        for (i = 0, ln = node.length - 1; i < ln; i++) {
                            me.appendChild(node[i], suppressEvents, commit);
                        // resume auto syncing before we append the last node
                        me.appendChild(node[ln], suppressEvents, commit);
                    } else {
                        // Make sure it is a record
                        node = me.createNode(node);

                        if (suppressEvents !== true && me.fireEventArgs("beforeappend", [me, node]) === false) {
                            return false;

                        index = me.childNodes.length;
                        oldParent = node.parentNode;

                        // it's a move, make sure we move it cleanly
                        if (oldParent) {
                            if (suppressEvents !== true && node.fireEventArgs("beforemove", [node, oldParent, me, index]) === false) {
                                return false;
                            oldParent.removeChild(node, false, false, true);

                        // Coalesce all layouts caused by node append

                        index = me.childNodes.length;
                        if (index === 0) {

                        me.childNodes[index] = node;
                        node.parentNode = me;
                        node.nextSibling = null;


                        previousSibling = me.childNodes[index - 1];
                        if (previousSibling) {
                            node.previousSibling = previousSibling;
                            previousSibling.nextSibling = node;
                            previousSibling.updateInfo(commit, {
                                isLast: false
                        } else {
                            node.previousSibling = null;

                        // Update the new child's info passing in info we already know
                        childInfo.isFirst = index === 0;
                        childInfo.index = index;
                        node.updateInfo(commit, childInfo);

                        // As soon as we append a child to this node, we are loaded
                        if (!me.isLoaded()) {
                            me.set('loaded', true);
                        } else if (me.childNodes.length === 1) {

                        // Ensure connectors are correct by updating the UI on all intervening nodes (descendants) between last sibling and new node.
                        if (index && me.childNodes[index - 1].isExpanded()) {
                            me.childNodes[index - 1].cascadeBy(me.triggerUIUpdate);

                        if(!node.isLeaf() && node.phantom) {
                            node.set('loaded', true);

                        // Flush layouts caused by updating of the UI

                        if (suppressEvents !== true) {
                            me.fireEventArgs("append", [me, node, index]);

                            if (oldParent) {
                                node.fireEventArgs("move", [node, oldParent, me, index]);

                        return node;

                * Returns the tree this node is in.
                * @return {Ext.tree.Panel} The tree panel which owns this node.
                getOwnerTree: function() {
                    var node = this,
                    while (node.parentNode) {
                        node = node.parentNode;
                    store = node.store;
                    if (store) {
                        if (store.treeStore) {
                            store = store.treeStore;
                        if (store.tree) {
                            return store.ownerTree;
                    return undefined;

                 * Removes a child node from this node.
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node The node to remove
                 * @param {Boolean} [destroy=false] True to destroy the node upon removal.
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface} The removed node
                removeChild : function(node, destroy, suppressEvents, isMove) {
                    var me = this,
                        index = me.indexOf(node),
                        i, childCount,

                    if (index === -1 || (suppressEvents !== true && me.fireEventArgs("beforeremove", [me, node, !!isMove]) === false)) {
                        return false;

                    // Coalesce all layouts caused by node removal

                    // remove it from childNodes collection
                    Ext.Array.erase(me.childNodes, index, 1);

                    // update child refs
                    if (me.firstChild === node) {
                    if (me.lastChild === node) {

                    // Update previous sibling to point to its new next.
                    // Note: the code below is an assignment statement. The value of which is tested for truthiness.
                    if (previousSibling = node.previousSibling) {
                        node.previousSibling.nextSibling = node.nextSibling;
                    // Update the next sibling to point to its new previous
                    if (node.nextSibling) {
                        node.nextSibling.previousSibling = node.previousSibling;

                        // And if it's the new first child, let it know
                        if (index === 0) {
                            node.nextSibling.updateInfo(false, {
                                isFirst: true

                        // Update subsequent siblings' index values
                        for (i = index, childCount = me.childNodes.length; i < childCount; i++) {
                            me.childNodes[i].updateInfo(false, {
                                index: i

                    // If the removed node had no next sibling, but had a previous,
                    // update the previous sibling so it knows it's the last
                    else if (previousSibling) {
                        previousSibling.updateInfo(false, {
                            isLast: true

                        // We're removing the last child.
                        // Ensure connectors are correct by updating the UI on all intervening nodes (descendants) between previous sibling and new node.
                        if (previousSibling.isExpanded()) {
                        // No intervening descendant nodes, just update the previous sibling
                        else {

                    // If this node suddenly doesnt have childnodes anymore, update myself
                    if (!me.childNodes.length) {

                    // Flush layouts caused by updating the UI

                    if (suppressEvents !== true) {
                        // Temporary property on the node to inform listeners of where the node used to be
                        node.removeContext = {
                            parentNode: node.parentNode,
                            previousSibling: node.previousSibling,
                            nextSibling: node.nextSibling

                        node.previousSibling = node.nextSibling = node.parentNode = null;
                        me.fireEventArgs('remove', [me, node, !!isMove]);

                        // This is a transient property for use only in remove listeners
                        node.removeContext = null;

                    // Update removed node's pointers *after* firing event so that listsners
                    // can tell where the removal took place
                    if (destroy) {
                    } else {

                    return node;

                 * Creates a copy (clone) of this Node.
                 * @param {String} [id] A new id, defaults to this Node's id.
                 * @param {Boolean} [deep=false] True to recursively copy all child Nodes into the new Node.
                 * False to copy without child Nodes.
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface} A copy of this Node.
                copy: function(newId, deep) {
                    var me = this,
                        result = me.callParent(arguments),
                        len = me.childNodes ? me.childNodes.length : 0,

                    // Move child nodes across to the copy if required
                    if (deep) {
                        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                            result.appendChild(me.childNodes[i].copy(undefined, true));
                    return result;

                 * Clears the node.
                 * @private
                 * @param {Boolean} [destroy=false] True to destroy the node.
                clear : function(destroy) {
                    var me = this;

                    // clear any references from the node
                    me.parentNode = me.previousSibling = me.nextSibling = null;
                    if (destroy) {
                        me.firstChild = me.lastChild = null;

                 * Destroys the node.
                destroy : function(silent) {
                     * Silent is to be used in a number of cases
                     * 1) When setRoot is called.
                     * 2) When destroy on the tree is called
                     * 3) For destroying child nodes on a node
                    var me      = this,
                        options = me.destroyOptions,
                        nodes   = me.childNodes,
                        nLen    = nodes.length,

                    if (silent === true) {

                        for (n = 0; n < nLen; n++) {

                        me.childNodes = null;
                        delete me.destroyOptions;
                    } else {
                        me.destroyOptions = silent;
                        // overridden method will be called, since remove will end up calling destroy(true);

                 * Inserts the first node before the second node in this nodes childNodes collection.
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node The node to insert
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} refNode The node to insert before (if null the node is appended)
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface} The inserted node
                insertBefore : function(node, refNode, suppressEvents) {
                    var me = this,
                        index     = me.indexOf(refNode),
                        oldParent = node.parentNode,
                        refIndex  = index,
                        childCount, previousSibling, i;

                    if (!refNode) { // like standard Dom, refNode can be null for append
                        return me.appendChild(node);

                    // nothing to do
                    if (node === refNode) {
                        return false;

                    // Make sure it is a record with the NodeInterface
                    node = me.createNode(node);

                    if (suppressEvents !== true && me.fireEventArgs("beforeinsert", [me, node, refNode]) === false) {
                        return false;

                    // when moving internally, indexes will change after remove
                    if (oldParent === me && me.indexOf(node) < index) {

                    // it's a move, make sure we move it cleanly
                    if (oldParent) {
                        if (suppressEvents !== true && node.fireEventArgs("beforemove", [node, oldParent, me, index, refNode]) === false) {
                            return false;
                        oldParent.removeChild(node, false, false, true);

                    if (refIndex === 0) {

                    Ext.Array.splice(me.childNodes, refIndex, 0, node);
                    node.parentNode = me;

                    node.nextSibling = refNode;
                    refNode.previousSibling = node;

                    previousSibling = me.childNodes[refIndex - 1];
                    if (previousSibling) {
                        node.previousSibling = previousSibling;
                        previousSibling.nextSibling = node;
                    } else {
                        node.previousSibling = null;

                    // Integrate the new node into its new position.
                    node.updateInfo(false, {
                        parentId: me.getId(),
                        index: refIndex,
                        isFirst: refIndex === 0,
                        isLast: false,
                        depth: (me.data.depth||0) + 1

                    // Update the index for all following siblings.
                    for (i = refIndex + 1, childCount = me.childNodes.length; i < childCount; i++) {
                        me.childNodes[i].updateInfo(false, {
                            index: i

                    if (!me.isLoaded()) {
                        me.set('loaded', true);
                    // If this node didnt have any childnodes before, update myself
                    else if (me.childNodes.length === 1) {

                    if(!node.isLeaf() && node.phantom) {
                        node.set('loaded', true);

                    if (suppressEvents !== true) {
                        me.fireEventArgs("insert", [me, node, refNode]);

                        if (oldParent) {
                            node.fireEventArgs("move", [node, oldParent, me, refIndex, refNode]);

                    return node;

                 * Inserts a node into this node.
                 * @param {Number} index The zero-based index to insert the node at
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node The node to insert
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface} The node you just inserted
                insertChild: function(index, node) {
                    var sibling = this.childNodes[index];
                    if (sibling) {
                        return this.insertBefore(node, sibling);
                    else {
                        return this.appendChild(node);

                 * Removes this node from its parent
                 * @param {Boolean} [destroy=false] True to destroy the node upon removal.
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this
                remove : function(destroy, suppressEvents) {
                    var me = this,
                        parentNode = me.parentNode;

                    if (parentNode) {
                        parentNode.removeChild(me, destroy, suppressEvents);
                    } else if (destroy) {
                        // If we don't have a parent, just destroy it
                    return me;

                 * Removes all child nodes from this node.
                 * @param {Boolean} [destroy=false] True to destroy the node upon removal.
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface} this
                removeAll : function(destroy, suppressEvents, fromParent) {
                    // This method duplicates logic from removeChild for the sake of
                    // speed since we can make a number of assumptions because we're
                    // getting rid of everything
                    var me = this,
                        childNodes = me.childNodes,
                        i = 0,
                        len = childNodes.length,

                    // Avoid all this if nothing to remove
                    if (!len) {

                    // NodeStore listens for this and performs the same actions as a collapse - 
                    // all descendant nodes are removed from the flat store.
                    me.fireEventArgs('bulkremove', [me, childNodes, false]);

                    for (; i < len; ++i) {
                        node = childNodes[i];
                        // Temporary property on the node to inform listeners of where the node used to be
                        node.removeContext = {
                            parentNode: node.parentNode,
                            previousSibling: node.previousSibling,
                            nextSibling: node.nextSibling

                        node.previousSibling = node.nextSibling = node.parentNode = null;
                        me.fireEventArgs('remove', [me, node, false]);

                        // This is a transient property for use only in remove listeners
                        node.removeContext = null;

                        // If destroy passed, destroy it
                        if (destroy) {
                        // Otherwise.... apparently, removeAll is always recursive.
                        else {
                            node.removeAll(false, suppressEvents, true);

                    me.firstChild = me.lastChild = null;

                    // If in recursion, null out child array
                    if (fromParent) {
                        // Removing from parent, clear children
                        me.childNodes = null;
                    } else {
                        // clear array
                        me.childNodes.length = 0;
                    return me;

                 * Returns the child node at the specified index.
                 * @param {Number} index
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface}
                getChildAt : function(index) {
                    return this.childNodes[index];

                 * Replaces one child node in this node with another.
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} newChild The replacement node
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} oldChild The node to replace
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface} The replaced node
                replaceChild : function(newChild, oldChild, suppressEvents) {
                    var s = oldChild ? oldChild.nextSibling : null;

                    this.removeChild(oldChild, false, suppressEvents);
                    this.insertBefore(newChild, s, suppressEvents);
                    return oldChild;

                 * Returns the index of a child node
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node
                 * @return {Number} The index of the node or -1 if it was not found
                indexOf : function(child) {
                    return Ext.Array.indexOf(this.childNodes, child);
                 * Returns the index of a child node that matches the id
                 * @param {String} id The id of the node to find
                 * @return {Number} The index of the node or -1 if it was not found
                indexOfId: function(id) {
                    var childNodes = this.childNodes,
                        len = childNodes.length,
                        i = 0;
                    for (; i < len; ++i) {
                        if (childNodes[i].getId() === id) {
                            return i;
                    return -1;

                 * Gets the hierarchical path from the root of the current node.
                 * @param {String} [field] The field to construct the path from. Defaults to the model idProperty.
                 * @param {String} [separator="/"] A separator to use.
                 * @return {String} The node path
                getPath: function(field, separator) {
                    field = field || this.idProperty;
                    separator = separator || '/';

                    var path = [this.get(field)],
                        parent = this.parentNode;

                    while (parent) {
                        parent = parent.parentNode;
                    return separator + path.join(separator);

                 * Returns depth of this node (the root node has a depth of 0)
                 * @return {Number}
                getDepth : function() {
                    return this.get('depth');

                 * Bubbles up the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The arguments to the function
                 * will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
                 * the bubble is stopped.
                 * @param {Function} fn The function to call
                 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope (this reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the current Node.
                 * @param {Array} [args] The args to call the function with. Defaults to passing the current Node.
                bubble : function(fn, scope, args) {
                    var p = this;
                    while (p) {
                        if (fn.apply(scope || p, args || [p]) === false) {
                        p = p.parentNode;

                //<deprecated since=0.99>
                cascade: function() {
                    if (Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console)) {
                        Ext.global.console.warn('Ext.data.Node: cascade has been deprecated. Please use cascadeBy instead.');
                    return this.cascadeBy.apply(this, arguments);

                 * Cascades down the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The arguments to the function
                 * will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
                 * the cascade is stopped on that branch.
                 * @param {Function} fn The function to call
                 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope (this reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the current Node.
                 * @param {Array} [args] The args to call the function with. Defaults to passing the current Node.
                cascadeBy : function(fn, scope, args) {
                    if (fn.apply(scope || this, args || [this]) !== false) {
                        var childNodes = this.childNodes,
                            length     = childNodes.length,

                        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                            childNodes[i].cascadeBy(fn, scope, args);

                 * Interates the child nodes of this node, calling the specified function with each node. The arguments to the function
                 * will be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,
                 * the iteration stops.
                 * @param {Function} fn The function to call
                 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope (this reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the current Node in iteration.
                 * @param {Array} [args] The args to call the function with. Defaults to passing the current Node.
                eachChild : function(fn, scope, args) {
                    var childNodes = this.childNodes,
                        length     = childNodes.length,

                    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                        if (fn.apply(scope || this, args || [childNodes[i]]) === false) {

                 * Finds the first child that has the attribute with the specified value.
                 * @param {String} attribute The attribute name
                 * @param {Object} value The value to search for
                 * @param {Boolean} [deep=false] True to search through nodes deeper than the immediate children
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface} The found child or null if none was found
                findChild : function(attribute, value, deep) {
                    return this.findChildBy(function() {
                        return this.get(attribute) == value;
                    }, null, deep);

                 * Finds the first child by a custom function. The child matches if the function passed returns true.
                 * @param {Function} fn A function which must return true if the passed Node is the required Node.
                 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope (this reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the Node being tested.
                 * @param {Boolean} [deep=false] True to search through nodes deeper than the immediate children
                 * @return {Ext.data.NodeInterface} The found child or null if none was found
                findChildBy : function(fn, scope, deep) {
                    var cs = this.childNodes,
                        len = cs.length,
                        i = 0, n, res;

                    for (; i < len; i++) {
                        n = cs[i];
                        if (fn.call(scope || n, n) === true) {
                            return n;
                        else if (deep) {
                            res = n.findChildBy(fn, scope, deep);
                            if (res !== null) {
                                return res;

                    return null;

                 * Returns true if this node is an ancestor (at any point) of the passed node.
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node
                 * @return {Boolean}
                contains : function(node) {
                    return node.isAncestor(this);

                 * Returns true if the passed node is an ancestor (at any point) of this node.
                 * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node
                 * @return {Boolean}
                isAncestor : function(node) {
                    var p = this.parentNode;
                    while (p) {
                        if (p === node) {
                            return true;
                        p = p.parentNode;
                    return false;

                 * Sorts this nodes children using the supplied sort function.
                 * @param {Function} fn A function which, when passed two Nodes, returns -1, 0 or 1 depending upon required sort order.
                 * @param {Boolean} [recursive=false] True to apply this sort recursively
                 * @param {Boolean} [suppressEvent=false] True to not fire a sort event.
                sort : function(sortFn, recursive, suppressEvent) {
                    var cs  = this.childNodes,
                        ln = cs.length,
                        i, n, info = {
                            isFirst: true

                    if (ln > 0) {
                        Ext.Array.sort(cs, sortFn);
                        this.setLastChild(cs[ln - 1]);

                        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
                            n = cs[i];
                            n.previousSibling = cs[i-1];
                            n.nextSibling = cs[i+1];
                            // Update the index and first/last status of children
                            info.isLast = (i === ln - 1);
                            info.index = i;
                            n.updateInfo(false, info);
                            info.isFirst = false;

                            if (recursive && !n.isLeaf()) {
                                n.sort(sortFn, true, true);

                        if (suppressEvent !== true) {
                            this.fireEventArgs('sort', [this, cs]);

                 * Returns true if this node is expaned
                 * @return {Boolean}
                isExpanded: function() {
                    return this.get('expanded');

                 * Returns true if this node is loaded
                 * @return {Boolean}
                isLoaded: function() {
                    return this.get('loaded');

                 * Returns true if this node is loading
                 * @return {Boolean}
                isLoading: function() {
                    return this.get('loading');

                 * Returns true if this node is the root node
                 * @return {Boolean}
                isRoot: function() {
                    return !this.parentNode;

                 * Returns true if this node is visible. Note that visibility refers to
                 * the structure of the tree, the {@link Ext.tree.Panel#rootVisible}
                 * configuration is not taken into account here. If this method is called
                 * on the root node, it will always be visible.
                 * @return {Boolean}
                isVisible: function() {
                    var parent = this.parentNode;
                    while (parent) {
                        if (!parent.isExpanded()) {
                            return false;
                        parent = parent.parentNode;
                    return true;

                 * Expand this node.
                 * @param {Boolean} [recursive=false] True to recursively expand all the children
                 * @param {Function} [callback] The function to execute once the expand completes
                 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope to run the callback in
                expand: function(recursive, callback, scope) {
                    var me = this,

                    // all paths must call the callback (eventually) or things like
                    // selectPath fail

                    // First we start by checking if this node is a parent
                    if (!me.isLeaf()) {
                        // If it's loading, wait until it loads before proceeding
                        if (me.isLoading()) {
                            me.on('expand', function() {
                                me.expand(recursive, callback, scope);
                            }, me, {single: true});
                        } else {
                            // Now we check if this record is already expanding or expanded
                            if (!me.isExpanded()) {

                                // The TreeStore actually listens for the beforeexpand method and checks
                                // whether we have to asynchronously load the children from the server
                                // first. Thats why we pass a callback function to the event that the
                                // store can call once it has loaded and appended all the children.
                                me.fireEventArgs('beforeexpand', [me, me.onChildNodesAvailable, me, [recursive, callback, scope]]);
                            } else if (recursive) {
                                // If it is is already expanded but we want to recursively expand then call expandChildren
                                owner = me.getOwnerTree();
                                me.expandChildren(true, owner ? owner.singleExpand : false, callback, scope);
                            } else {
                                Ext.callback(callback, scope || me, [me.childNodes]);
                    } else {
                        // If it's not then we fire the callback right away
                        Ext.callback(callback, scope || me); // leaf = no childNodes

                 * @private
                 * Called as a callback from the beforeexpand listener fired by {@link #method-expand} when the child nodes have been loaded and appended.
                onChildNodesAvailable: function(records, recursive, callback, scope) {
                    var me = this,

                    // Bracket expansion with layout suspension.
                    // In optimum case, when recursive, child node data are loaded and expansion is synchronous within the suspension.

                    // Not structural. The TreeView's onUpdate listener just updates the [+] icon to [-] in response.
                    me.set('expanded', true);

                    // Listened for by NodeStore.onNodeExpand.
                    me.fireEventArgs('expand', [me, me.childNodes, false]);

                    // Call the expandChildren method if recursive was set to true
                    if (recursive) {
                        owner = me.getOwnerTree();
                        me.expandChildren(true, owner ? owner.singleExpand : false, callback, scope);
                    } else {
                        Ext.callback(callback, scope || me, [me.childNodes]);


                 * Expand all the children of this node.
                 * @param {Boolean} [recursive=false] True to recursively expand all the children
                 * @param {Function} [callback] The function to execute once all the children are expanded
                 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope to run the callback in
                expandChildren: function(recursive, singleExpand, callback, scope) {
                    var me = this,
                        allNodes = me.childNodes,
                        expandNodes = [],
                        ln = singleExpand ? Math.min(allNodes.length, 1) : allNodes.length,

                    for (i = 0; i < ln; ++i) {
                        node = allNodes[i];
                        if (!node.isLeaf()) {
                            expandNodes[expandNodes.length] = node;
                    ln = expandNodes.length;

                    for (i = 0; i < ln; ++i) {

                    if (callback) {
                        Ext.callback(callback, scope || me, [me.childNodes]);

                 * Collapse this node.
                 * @param {Boolean} [recursive=false] True to recursively collapse all the children
                 * @param {Function} [callback] The function to execute once the collapse completes
                 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope to run the callback in
                collapse: function(recursive, callback, scope) {
                    var me = this,
                        expanded = me.isExpanded(),
                        len = me.childNodes.length,
                        i, collapseChildren;

                    // If this is a parent and
                    //      already collapsed but the recursive flag is passed to target child nodes
                    //   or
                    //      the collapse is not vetoed by a listener
                    if (!me.isLeaf() && ((!expanded && recursive) || me.fireEventArgs('beforecollapse', [me]) !== false)) {

                        // Bracket collapsing with layout suspension.
                        // Collapsing is synchronous within the suspension.

                        // Inform listeners of a collapse event if we are still expanded.
                        if (me.isExpanded()) {
                            // Set up the callback to set non-leaf descendants to collapsed if necessary.
                            // If recursive, we just need to set all non-leaf descendants to collapsed state.
                            // We *DO NOT* call collapse on them. That would attempt to remove their descendants
                            // from the UI, and that is done: THIS node is collapsed - ALL descendants are removed from the UI.
                            // Descendant non-leaves just silently change state.
                            if (recursive) {
                                collapseChildren = function() {
                                    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                                if (callback) {
                                    callback = Ext.Function.createSequence(collapseChildren, callback);
                                } else {
                                    callback = collapseChildren;

                            // Not structural. The TreeView's onUpdate listener just updates the [+] icon to [-] in response.
                            me.set('expanded', false);

                            // Listened for by NodeStore.onNodeCollapse which removes all descendant nodes to achieve UI collapse
                            // and passes callback on in its beforecollapse event which is poked into the animWrap for
                            // final calling in the animation callback.
                            me.fireEventArgs('collapse', [me, me.childNodes, false, callback ? Ext.Function.bind(callback, scope, [me.childNodes]) : null, null]);

                            // So that it's not called at the end
                            callback = null;

                        // If recursive, we just need to set all non-leaf descendants to collapsed state.
                        // We *DO NOT* call collapse on them. That would attempt to remove their descendants
                        // from the UI, and that is done: THIS node is collapsed - ALL descendants are removed from the UI.
                        // Descendant non-leaves just silently change state.
                        else if (recursive) {
                            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {


                    // Call the passed callback
                    Ext.callback(callback, scope || me, [me.childNodes]);

                 * @private Sets the node into the collapsed state without affecting the UI.
                 * This is called when a node is collapsed with the recursive flag. All the descendant
                 * nodes will have been removed from the store, but descendant non-leaf nodes still
                 * need to be set to the collapsed state without affecting the UI.
                setCollapsed: function(recursive) {
                    var me = this,
                        len = me.childNodes.length,

                    // Only if we are not a leaf node and the collapse was not vetoed by a listener.
                    if (!me.isLeaf() && me.fireEventArgs('beforecollapse', [me, Ext.emptyFn]) !== false) {

                        // Update the state directly.
                        me.data.expanded = false;

                        // Listened for by NodeStore.onNodeCollapse, but will do nothing except pass on the
                        // documented events because the records have already been removed from the store when
                        // the ancestor node was collapsed.
                        me.fireEventArgs('collapse', [me, me.childNodes, false, null, null]);

                        if (recursive) {
                            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {

                 * Collapse all the children of this node.
                 * @param {Function} [recursive=false] True to recursively collapse all the children
                 * @param {Function} [callback] The function to execute once all the children are collapsed
                 * @param {Object} [scope] The scope to run the callback in
                collapseChildren: function(recursive, callback, scope) {
                    var me = this,
                        allNodes = me.childNodes,
                        ln = allNodes.length,
                        collapseNodes = [],

                    // Only bother with loaded, expanded, non-leaf nodes
                    for (i = 0; i < ln; ++i) {
                        node = allNodes[i];
                        if (!node.isLeaf() && node.isLoaded() && node.isExpanded()) {
                    ln = collapseNodes.length;

                    // Collapse the collapsible children.
                    // Pass our callback to the last one.
                    for (i = 0; i < ln; ++i) {
                        node = collapseNodes[i];
                        if (i === ln - 1) {
                            node.collapse(recursive, callback, scope);
                        } else {

                // Node events always bubble, but events which bubble are always created, so bubble in a loop and
                // only fire when there are listeners at each level.
                // bubbled events always fire because they cannot tell if there is a listener at each level.
                fireEventArgs: function(eventName, args) {
                    // Use the model prototype directly. If we have a BaseModel and then a SubModel,
                    // if we access the superclass fireEventArgs it will just refer to the same method
                    // and we end up in an infinite loop.
                    var fireEventArgs = Ext.data.Model.prototype.fireEventArgs,
                        result, eventSource, tree, treeStore, rootNode;

                    // The event bubbles (all native NodeInterface events do)...
                    if (bubbledEvents[eventName]) {
                        for (eventSource = this; result !== false && eventSource; eventSource = (rootNode = eventSource).parentNode) {
                            if (eventSource.hasListeners[eventName]) {
                                result = fireEventArgs.call(eventSource, eventName, args);

                        // When we reach the root node, go up to the Ext.data.TreeStore, and then the Ext.data.Tree
                        tree = rootNode.rootOf;
                        if (result !== false && tree) {
                            treeStore = tree.treeStore;
                            if (treeStore && treeStore.hasListeners[eventName]) {
                                result = treeStore.fireEventArgs.call(treeStore, eventName, args);
                            if (result !== false && tree.hasListeners[eventName]) {
                                result = tree.fireEventArgs.call(tree, eventName, args);
                        return result;
                    // Event does not bubble - call superclass fireEventArgs method
                    else {
                        return fireEventArgs.apply(this, arguments)

                 * Creates an object representation of this node including its children.
                serialize: function() {
                    var result = Ext.data.writer.Json.prototype.getRecordData(this),
                        childNodes = this.childNodes,
                        len = childNodes.length,
                        children, i;

                    if (len > 0) {
                        children = [];
                        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                        result.children = children;
                    return result;