/** * Paging Memory Proxy, allows to use paging grid with in memory dataset */ Ext.define('Ext.ux.data.PagingMemoryProxy', { extend: 'Ext.data.proxy.Memory', alias: 'proxy.pagingmemory', alternateClassName: 'Ext.data.PagingMemoryProxy', read : function(operation, callback, scope){ var reader = this.getReader(), result = reader.read(this.data), sorters, filters, sorterFn, records; scope = scope || this; // filtering filters = operation.filters; if (filters.length > 0) { //at this point we have an array of Ext.util.Filter objects to filter with, //so here we construct a function that combines these filters by ANDing them together records = []; Ext.each(result.records, function(record) { var isMatch = true, length = filters.length, i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { var filter = filters[i], fn = filter.filterFn, scope = filter.scope; isMatch = isMatch && fn.call(scope, record); } if (isMatch) { records.push(record); } }, this); result.records = records; result.totalRecords = result.total = records.length; } // sorting sorters = operation.sorters; if (sorters.length > 0) { //construct an amalgamated sorter function which combines all of the Sorters passed sorterFn = function(r1, r2) { var result = sorters[0].sort(r1, r2), length = sorters.length, i; //if we have more than one sorter, OR any additional sorter functions together for (i = 1; i < length; i++) { result = result || sorters[i].sort.call(this, r1, r2); } return result; }; result.records.sort(sorterFn); } // paging (use undefined cause start can also be 0 (thus false)) if (operation.start !== undefined && operation.limit !== undefined) { result.records = result.records.slice(operation.start, operation.start + operation.limit); result.count = result.records.length; } Ext.apply(operation, { resultSet: result }); operation.setCompleted(); operation.setSuccessful(); Ext.Function.defer(function () { Ext.callback(callback, scope, [operation]); }, 10); } });