 * Applies drag handles to an element or component to make it resizable. The drag handles are inserted into the element
 * (or component's element) and positioned absolute.
 * Textarea and img elements will be wrapped with an additional div because these elements do not support child nodes.
 * The original element can be accessed through the originalTarget property.
 * Here is the list of valid resize handles:
 *     Value   Description
 *     ------  -------------------
 *      'n'     north
 *      's'     south
 *      'e'     east
 *      'w'     west
 *      'nw'    northwest
 *      'sw'    southwest
 *      'se'    southeast
 *      'ne'    northeast
 *      'all'   all
 * {@img Ext.resizer.Resizer/Ext.resizer.Resizer.png Ext.resizer.Resizer component}
 * Here's an example showing the creation of a typical Resizer:
 *     Ext.create('Ext.resizer.Resizer', {
 *         el: 'elToResize',
 *         handles: 'all',
 *         minWidth: 200,
 *         minHeight: 100,
 *         maxWidth: 500,
 *         maxHeight: 400,
 *         pinned: true
 *     });
Ext.define('Ext.resizer.Resizer', {
    mixins: {
        observable: 'Ext.util.Observable'
    uses: ['Ext.resizer.ResizeTracker', 'Ext.Component'],

    alternateClassName: 'Ext.Resizable',

    handleCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'resizable-handle',
    pinnedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'resizable-pinned',
    overCls:   Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'resizable-over',
    wrapCls:   Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'resizable-wrap',
    delimiterRe: /(?:\s*[,;]\s*)|\s+/,

     * @cfg {Boolean} dynamic
     * Specify as true to update the {@link #target} (Element or {@link Ext.Component Component}) dynamically during
     * dragging. This is `true` by default, but the {@link Ext.Component Component} class passes `false` when it is
     * configured as {@link Ext.Component#resizable}.
     * If specified as `false`, a proxy element is displayed during the resize operation, and the {@link #target} is
     * updated on mouseup.
    dynamic: true,

     * @cfg {String} handles
     * String consisting of the resize handles to display. Defaults to 's e se' for Elements and fixed position
     * Components. Defaults to 8 point resizing for floating Components (such as Windows). Specify either `'all'` or any
     * of `'n s e w ne nw se sw'`.
    handles: 's e se',

     * @cfg {Number} height
     * Optional. The height to set target to in pixels
    height : null,

     * @cfg {Number} width
     * Optional. The width to set the target to in pixels
    width : null,

     * @cfg {Number} heightIncrement
     * The increment to snap the height resize in pixels.
    heightIncrement : 0,

     * @cfg {Number} widthIncrement
     * The increment to snap the width resize in pixels.
    widthIncrement : 0,

     * @cfg {Number} minHeight
     * The minimum height for the element
    minHeight : 20,

     * @cfg {Number} minWidth
     * The minimum width for the element
    minWidth : 20,

     * @cfg {Number} maxHeight
     * The maximum height for the element
    maxHeight : 10000,

     * @cfg {Number} maxWidth
     * The maximum width for the element
    maxWidth : 10000,

     * @cfg {Boolean} pinned
     * True to ensure that the resize handles are always visible, false indicates resizing by cursor changes only
    pinned: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} preserveRatio
     * True to preserve the original ratio between height and width during resize
    preserveRatio: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} transparent
     * True for transparent handles. This is only applied at config time.
    transparent: false,

     * @cfg {Ext.Element/Ext.util.Region} constrainTo
     * An element, or a {@link Ext.util.Region Region} into which the resize operation must be constrained.

    possiblePositions: {
        n:  'north',
        s:  'south',
        e:  'east',
        w:  'west',
        se: 'southeast',
        sw: 'southwest',
        nw: 'northwest',
        ne: 'northeast'

     * @cfg {Ext.Element/Ext.Component} target
     * The Element or Component to resize.

     * @property {Ext.Element} el
     * Outer element for resizing behavior.

    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this,
            handles = me.handles,
            i = 0,
            handleEls = [],
            eastWestStyle, style,
            box, targetBaseCls,
            unselectableCls = Ext.dom.Element.unselectableCls;

             * @event beforeresize
             * Fired before resize is allowed. Return false to cancel resize.
             * @param {Ext.resizer.Resizer} this
             * @param {Number} width The start width
             * @param {Number} height The start height
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The mousedown event
             * @event resizedrag
             * Fires during resizing. Return false to cancel resize.
             * @param {Ext.resizer.Resizer} this
             * @param {Number} width The new width
             * @param {Number} height The new height
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The mousedown event
             * @event resize
             * Fired after a resize.
             * @param {Ext.resizer.Resizer} this
             * @param {Number} width The new width
             * @param {Number} height The new height
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The mouseup event

        if (Ext.isString(config) || Ext.isElement(config) || config.dom) {
            target = config;
            config = arguments[1] || {};
            config.target = target;
        // will apply config to this
        me.mixins.observable.constructor.call(me, config);

        // If target is a Component, ensure that we pull the element out.
        // Resizer must examine the underlying Element.
        target = me.target;
        if (target) {
            if (target.isComponent) {

                // Resizable Components get a new UI class on them which makes them overflow:visible
                // if the border width is non-zero and therefore the SASS has embedded the handles 
                // in the borders using -ve position.

                me.el = target.getEl();
                if (target.minWidth) {
                    me.minWidth = target.minWidth;
                if (target.minHeight) {
                    me.minHeight = target.minHeight;
                if (target.maxWidth) {
                    me.maxWidth = target.maxWidth;
                if (target.maxHeight) {
                    me.maxHeight = target.maxHeight;
                if (target.floating) {
                    if (!me.hasOwnProperty('handles')) {
                        me.handles = 'n ne e se s sw w nw';
            } else {
                me.el = me.target = Ext.get(target);
        // Backwards compatibility with Ext3.x's Resizable which used el as a config.
        else {
            me.target = me.el = Ext.get(me.el);

        // Tags like textarea and img cannot
        // have children and therefore must
        // be wrapped
        tag = me.el.dom.tagName.toUpperCase();
        if (tag == 'TEXTAREA' || tag == 'IMG' || tag == 'TABLE') {
             * @property {Ext.Element/Ext.Component} originalTarget
             * Reference to the original resize target if the element of the original resize target was a
             * {@link Ext.form.field.Field Field}, or an IMG or a TEXTAREA which must be wrapped in a DIV.
            me.originalTarget = me.target;
            targetEl = me.el;
            box = targetEl.getBox();
            me.target = me.el = me.el.wrap({
                cls: me.wrapCls,
                id: me.el.id + '-rzwrap',
                style: targetEl.getStyles('margin-top', 'margin-bottom')

            // Transfer originalTarget's positioning+sizing+margins

            // Position the wrapped element absolute so that it does not stretch the wrapper
            targetEl.setStyle('position', 'absolute');

        // Position the element, this enables us to absolute position
        // the handles within this.el
        if (me.pinned) {

         * @property {Ext.resizer.ResizeTracker} resizeTracker
        me.resizeTracker = new Ext.resizer.ResizeTracker({
            disabled: me.disabled,
            target: me.target,
            constrainTo: me.constrainTo,
            overCls: me.overCls,
            throttle: me.throttle,
            originalTarget: me.originalTarget,
            delegate: '.' + me.handleCls,
            dynamic: me.dynamic,
            preserveRatio: me.preserveRatio,
            heightIncrement: me.heightIncrement,
            widthIncrement: me.widthIncrement,
            minHeight: me.minHeight,
            maxHeight: me.maxHeight,
            minWidth: me.minWidth,
            maxWidth: me.maxWidth

        // Relay the ResizeTracker's superclass events as our own resize events
            mousedown: me.onBeforeResize,
            drag: me.onResize,
            dragend: me.onResizeEnd,
            scope: me

        if (me.handles == 'all') {
            me.handles = 'n s e w ne nw se sw';

        handles = me.handles = me.handles.split(me.delimiterRe);
        possibles = me.possiblePositions;
        len = handles.length;

        handleCls = me.handleCls + ' ' + me.handleCls + '-{0}';
        if (me.target.isComponent) {
            targetBaseCls = me.target.baseCls
            handleCls += ' ' + targetBaseCls + '-handle ' + targetBaseCls + '-handle-{0}';
            if (Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius) {
                handleCls += ' ' + targetBaseCls + '-handle-{0}-br';

        // Needs heighting on IE6!
        eastWestStyle = Ext.isIE6 ? ' style="height:' + me.el.getHeight() + 'px"' : '';

        for (; i < len; i++){
            // if specified and possible, create
            if (handles[i] && possibles[handles[i]]) {
                pos = possibles[handles[i]];
                if (pos === 'east' || pos === 'west') {
                    style = eastWestStyle;
                } else {
                    style = '';

                    '<div id="', me.el.id, '-', pos, '-handle"',
                        ' class="', Ext.String.format(handleCls, pos), ' ', unselectableCls, '"',
                        ' unselectable="on"',
        Ext.DomHelper.append(me.el, handleEls.join(''));

        // store a reference to each handle element in this.east, this.west, etc
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++){
            // if specified and possible, create
            if (handles[i] && possibles[handles[i]]) {
                pos = possibles[handles[i]];
                me[pos] = me.el.getById(me.el.id + '-' + pos + '-handle');
                me[pos].region = pos;

                if (me.transparent) {

        // Constrain within configured maxima
        if (Ext.isNumber(me.width)) {
            me.width = Ext.Number.constrain(me.width, me.minWidth, me.maxWidth);
        if (Ext.isNumber(me.height)) {
            me.height = Ext.Number.constrain(me.height, me.minHeight, me.maxHeight);

        // Size the target (and originalTarget)
        if (me.width !== null || me.height !== null) {
            if (me.originalTarget) {
            me.resizeTo(me.width, me.height);


    disable: function() {

    enable: function() {

     * @private Relay the Tracker's mousedown event as beforeresize
     * @param tracker The Resizer
     * @param e The Event
    onBeforeResize: function(tracker, e) {
        var box = this.el.getBox();
        return this.fireEvent('beforeresize', this, box.width, box.height, e);

     * @private Relay the Tracker's drag event as resizedrag
     * @param tracker The Resizer
     * @param e The Event
    onResize: function(tracker, e) {
        var me = this,
            box = me.el.getBox();
        return me.fireEvent('resizedrag', me, box.width, box.height, e);

     * @private Relay the Tracker's dragend event as resize
     * @param tracker The Resizer
     * @param e The Event
    onResizeEnd: function(tracker, e) {
        var me = this,
            box = me.el.getBox();
        return me.fireEvent('resize', me, box.width, box.height, e);

     * Perform a manual resize and fires the 'resize' event.
     * @param {Number} width
     * @param {Number} height
    resizeTo : function(width, height) {
        var me = this;
        me.target.setSize(width, height);
        me.fireEvent('resize', me, width, height, null);

     * Returns the element that was configured with the el or target config property. If a component was configured with
     * the target property then this will return the element of this component.
     * Textarea and img elements will be wrapped with an additional div because these elements do not support child
     * nodes. The original element can be accessed through the originalTarget property.
     * @return {Ext.Element} element
    getEl : function() {
        return this.el;

     * Returns the element or component that was configured with the target config property.
     * Textarea and img elements will be wrapped with an additional div because these elements do not support child
     * nodes. The original element can be accessed through the originalTarget property.
     * @return {Ext.Element/Ext.Component}
    getTarget: function() {
        return this.target;

    destroy: function() {
        var me = this,
            handles = me.handles,
            len = handles.length,
            positions = me.possiblePositions,

        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (handle = me[positions[handles[i]]]) {

     * @private
     * Fix IE6 handle height issue.
    forceHandlesHeight : function() {
        var me = this,
        if (Ext.isIE6) {
            handle = me.east;
            if (handle) {
            handle = me.west;
            if (handle) {